Archaeology News

by James William
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Archaeology news is full of fascinating glimpses into the past. As Insider notes, 2022 saw the discovery of engravings on lice combs that are the oldest known letters, a treasure trove of tools used for embalming mummies and clues from dead rats about life aboard an ancient shipwreck.

Scientists also sequenced DNA from mammoth teeth preserved in Siberia permafrost. It’s over a million years old, the oldest ever sequenced.

Current World Archaeology

For those who have a passion for archaeology news and enjoy learning about the lives of ancient people, Current World Archaeology is the ultimate magazine to subscribe to. The publication contains numerous interesting features that highlight recent discoveries. It also offers travel information for those who wish to visit archaeological sites in various locations around the globe.

The magazine highlights some of the most fascinating archaeological discoveries from across the world. Some of these discoveries are quite surprising and push the boundaries of knowledge. Others are simply incredible and help to paint a more complete picture of the past.

Another highlight of the publication is its discussion of the issues relating to modern-world archaeology. This approach to archaeology seeks to address the complexities of the post-1500 world and explores its interconnectedness and diverse perspectives. It also addresses the tension between a generalizing survey of “world archaeology” and the need to acknowledge and develop perspectives situated within diverse local contexts.

The magazine is popular in the UK, but it is also read by heritage enthusiasts around the globe. Its articles are well written and expertly researched. They also include many photos that provide a visual insight into the topics covered. The publication also includes a number of reviews of books related to archaeology. These book reviews are helpful for those who are interested in learning more about a particular subject.

Popular Archaeology

National Geographic’s website has a section on archaeology that covers news about different ancient sites and archaeological mysteries. Its articles are intended for a more general audience than some of the other websites on this list and often include helpful illustrations or images.

While many people think that archaeologists spend all their time digging through dirt on a dig site, much of their work actually happens away from the field. In fact, a lot of archaeological work is done in labs where scientists analyze artifacts and try to piece together humankind’s unrecorded past.

Some archaeologists specialize in specific topics, such as the study of weapons. This includes weaponry that was used in war, as well as tools that were used for hunting or gathering food. It also includes tools that were used for fashioning clothing and other objects. Another specialty is industrial archaeology, which focuses on the development of technologies that led to the Industrial Revolution.

Other archaeologists focus on how certain environmental conditions influenced people in the past. This is sometimes called environmental archaeology or human paleoecology. For example, one group of researchers discovered that the expansion of the Taquara/Itarare people in the Brazilian highlands was closely linked to the growth of an evergreen forest there. The researchers figured that the forest provided more food, water and shelter to these people. They also found that the people’s tools and buildings reflected their environment and way of life.


Archaeologists study the past through the remains of people’s daily lives, including food and water sources, tools, buildings, art, and other objects. They also collect samples of earth and water to analyze. These samples help archaeologists determine the environment and climate conditions of the area. The field of archaeology is broad and covers many different areas. It can include everything from studying a million-year-old fossil to deciphering a 20th century text.

Some archaeological fields are specialized, such as environmental archaeology or forensic archaeology. Environmental archaeologists work in the same ways as traditional archaeologists, but they focus on examining how the environment influences humans. For example, they may find that the expansion of an evergreen forest in Brazil was closely linked to the growth of the Taquara/Itarare culture, which relied on the forest for timber and foods.

Other fields of archaeology are more modern, such as maritime archaeology and underwater archaeological investigation. Maritime archaeologists use sonar technology to locate and study shipwrecks, while underwater archaeologists investigate underwater ruins, such as the RMS Titanic, which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912.

While archaeological excavation is a fairly recent development, humankind has always had a fascination with the past. Ancient rulers, for example, often collected relics from their predecessors and rebuilt monuments or houses to honor their heritage. The modern discipline of archaeology is sometimes referred to as anthropology, but it is more a branch of history.

Ancient Origins

If you’re interested in archaeology, you’ll want to read the latest news from Ancient Origins. The website specializes in breaking new archaeological discoveries and explains how they fit into the larger picture of human history. While some of the articles on Ancient Origins are legitimate, others border on pseudo-science BS. It’s important to know the difference between valid research and bogus claims.

For example, in 2014, an article published on the site claimed that a mummy excavated by Leonard Woolley in 1921-22 contained the first evidence of glass production. The story cited a few examples of glass fragments that were spotted in the mummy but failed to explain how they could have been produced, and that Woolley himself didn’t do proper documentation of these fragments during his excavations.

The site also publishes articles on the discovery of prehistoric animals and other topics related to ancient culture. In addition, it has a section dedicated to explaining how to identify artifacts and how to get involved in archaeology. It has a lot of information that’s useful to both amateur and professional archaeologists.

National Geographic

National Geographic was founded in 1888 as a journal of geography, archaeology and anthropology. The magazine is world famous for its photographic illustrations and articles. It was one of the first to publish color photographs and was a leader in printing pictures of undersea life, views from the stratosphere, exotic animals in their natural habitats, and geographical regions around the globe. Initially, the magazine was oriented toward the United States, but soon became a publication with a world view.

Today, National Geographic’s journalists are fueled by restless curiosity and roam the planet in search of new perspectives. They’re driven by the same passion as the explorers of old, and their work illuminates a world that is both breathtakingly beautiful and deeply fascinating.

Each year, National Geographic’s photographers capture thousands of images in the field and in their studios. They use a variety of innovative techniques, like the power paraglider that National Geographic photographer Ben Depp employed to document Louisiana’s coast, or the tripod that was stolen by a frisky hyena while Nat Geo photographer Jen Guyton was photographing African predators.

To present and deliver these stunning visual experiences, National Geographic turned to Brightspot CMS. Its customizable solution allowed the editors to align their content with a company-wide taxonomy and make posting much faster and simpler. This helped National Geographic deliver the cinematic user experience that its brand is known for worldwide.

Project Archaeology

Archaeology is a science, but it also has a strong cultural component. It is the study of past and present human culture, as well as human evolution, in a holistic manner. This makes it an excellent subject to teach students the fusion of social sciences and physical sciences. In addition to its cross-curricular value, it is also a great way to encourage student creativity and problem-solving skills.

One of the most important aspects of archaeological research is careful planning. This is known as the research design phase and involves thorough background research. It includes identifying possible funding sources, team members, and permissions from any relevant government agencies or tribal organizations. Additionally, it must address any cultural resource management requirements that may be applicable to the project.

Once a research plan is in place, field or laboratory work can begin. This is an ongoing process that requires extensive documentation and record keeping. Archaeologists often write progress reports and may even create an entire publication about a particular project. This is why it is essential for them to keep meticulous records and documents throughout the excavation process. The goal is to ensure that all artifacts are carefully cataloged, classified, documented, and put into historical context. This is how we understand the past and why archaeological sites are so fascinating to us today.


Archaeology continues to be an exciting field, uncovering fascinating insights into our past. Recent news highlights the remarkable discoveries of ancient civilizations, artifacts, and sites, enriching our understanding of human history. As technology advances, archaeologists will likely uncover even more captivating stories, deepening our connection to the past.


  1. What is archaeology? Archaeology is the scientific study of human history and prehistory through the excavation and analysis of artifacts, structures, and other physical remains. It aims to understand past societies, their cultures, and lifestyles, helping us piece together the story of human evolution.
  2. What are some recent notable archaeological discoveries? Recent notable discoveries include a well-preserved ancient city in a remote region, revealing insights into an enigmatic civilization’s daily life. Additionally, a tomb containing rare artifacts and intricate murals shed light on an ancient ruler’s reign. These findings contribute significantly to our knowledge of the past.

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